Loki: Agent of Asgard 14

Well, it looks like the final issue of this series will be issue 17, so I’ll probably go ahead and see this series through to the end, if only out of devotion to Al Ewing.  And this was a pretty fun issue:

1) Odin throws a big ol’ blustery godly hissyfit that the rest of the many Marvel pantheons won’t give credence to the his warnings about impending end of existence, which I appreciated, since I’d been wondering what the gods thought about all this Secret Wars nuttiness.
2) Loki’s sinister alternate future self succeeds in killing Balder again – classic!
3) This fairly incredible final page.
4) And finally, the winning panel for this week’s Pandering Directly to Cody award!  Rrowwrr indeed, you god of mischief, you!