Moon Knight 14

So you guys cannot imagine how overjoyed I was when it was announced that Moon Knight would be relaunching as a series of done-in-one “weird crime” stories written by Warren Ellis.  Which, of course, lasted for all of six issues, Warren Ellis’s attention span being what it is.  But those six issues were sooooo goooood.  Say what you will about Warren Ellis (don’t mind if I do), but his writing just has that something, that edge that makes it jump off the page.  (There’s one entire issue that follows Moon Knight as he climbs the stairs of an abandoned tenement building to rescue a kidnapped girl, brutally beating each of the kidnappers one by one, floor by floor!)  Then Brian Wood’s arc was okay… more of a six-part storyline, but still very well-designed.  But y’know, with the notable exception of Fearless Defenders (and what an exception it is!), Cullen Bunn’s writing just never does much for me.  It’s never awful, of course, but it rarely catches me by surprise, just staying firmly in the middle of the road.  So I feel like I’m just constantly giving him one more issue.  Like this one: Moon Knight fights a pack of wild dogs that are trained to hunt… rich people?  And then he frees them to eat their mean junkyard owner?  Okay, sure.  Next issue: moon Knight fights… some kind of monster under the bed?  I mean, that sounds pretty cool, I guess…